mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Friday, June 02, 2006

So you think you can dance
this is a link of Knowlton's dance on the tv show "so you think you can dance". He was on last night at 7:30, and got more airtime than is shown in this clip. People are searching for him all over the internet, and it's really cool to hear comments about your own brother in law! Christen and I watched the popular show (the dancing version of Idol) at Whataburger last night, and were so shocked when he came on! It was really funny, cause it felt like he was in the room when he wasn't. Haha:)

Hope you enjoy it! He didn't make it further third round, but is hoping to get some recognition now. This morning an old couple asked Christen if it was him while he was at work today, pretty funny.

What Christen and Knowlton loved most about it was that it was during prime time, and they got free comercial for their business! Knowlton talked about being a road side meat vendor, and that they sell 20 steaks for 20 dollars... WOnder how much that would have cost to advertise...

And the last thing I have to say, is that my worst bug fear caame true the other day. When I was going to bed, I noticed a bug crawling in to my skin. IN TO MY SKIN!!!!! it was so nasty....
but now. well, what more do I have to fear??


  • At June 03, 2006 7:16 AM, Blogger kjeidun said…

    græli kult!! eg og kjetil så kver episode av so you think you can dance sist sesong, og va like hekta på den norske versjonen dansefeber (sjøl om kjetil sikkert vil benekte d). så best de sende den neste her i norge og!! utrolig bra!

  • At June 03, 2006 6:20 PM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Det var heftige greier. Han er jo utrolig dyktig! Gøy å se det.. så klippet flere ganger. Sinnsykt morro når ho dama sitter å ler nesten hele tiden... Ajaj.. Hils ham fra meg!

  • At June 05, 2006 4:37 AM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Jeg og Katrine, stolte og fornøyde, viste klippet på en fest vi var på i går. Alle synes det var megakult, og Knowtons skytedansemoves er allerde en hit i Oslo!

  • At June 10, 2006 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    First, the only time I've disagreed with the judges on a dancer. Granted, they have years of dance training and work in the industry, and I warm a couch pretty well, but I still have to take issue with this one. Knowlton Haaland sells meat by the roadside. Buying meat by a roadside is something I never want to think about, but that's not important. I thought the guy could dance. The thing was, he was hilarious. Hugely entertaining, and he had rhythm. But I think the comedy in his performance had a negative influence on how he was judged, and he got rejected right there.
    Now I'm not saying he should have gone straight through to Las Vegas, but come on, doesn't the man get a chance in the choreography round? I'd have loved to see what he could do there, see how serious he could be and if he could do any other moves. Ah, what do I know? I'm not the professional.

  • At July 21, 2006 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

  • At February 02, 2007 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So I think I'm in love with Knowlton.

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