last night
thought i might just tell you all about what a great life christen and i have. cause, it really is fun! we are so carefree and happy, i'm loving this part of life.
last night, around 6, we decided to go out and play tennis. when we realised christen needed shoes, we drove to walmart and bought him some. when we got back we fiddled with the tennis court lights, and didn't manage to turn them on... but we started playing anyway. after a few balls back and forth we started itching really bad all over, and realised that we were being eaten alive by bugs of all shapes and sizes. but as the fighter i am (christen's a natural), we decided to play on. it wasn't until i scratched on my face and notices i killed a bug on my nose and saw all the blood, that i'd had enough. no matter what you say: a dead bug on your face should be enough to stop playing.
(usually there aren't so many mosquitoes or flying bugs here, but lately it's been raining a LOT, and so they appear...)
with bugs dead all over, we decided, since we already were in the area, to take a swim! we went up to the pool, noticed it wasn't cold, but a perfect temperature, and we dove right in. Who cares if we have to wash our clothes, we enjoyed being spontaneous and jumping in the water. it was fun:) and that's when we hugged eachother and told eachother how fun we were having with eachother. i love you. sob sob. i know. well, you guys need some cheering up in your stupid exam times... :) someone across the world is having a good time:) so if you come visit?....:)
well, when we got home i found a bite on me, it was about 3 cm in diameter! it had swelled up extremely! it didn't hurt at the time, but now i'm itching like crazy... oh well... a little bite for a night of fun, i'll take it with a smile...:)
last night, around 6, we decided to go out and play tennis. when we realised christen needed shoes, we drove to walmart and bought him some. when we got back we fiddled with the tennis court lights, and didn't manage to turn them on... but we started playing anyway. after a few balls back and forth we started itching really bad all over, and realised that we were being eaten alive by bugs of all shapes and sizes. but as the fighter i am (christen's a natural), we decided to play on. it wasn't until i scratched on my face and notices i killed a bug on my nose and saw all the blood, that i'd had enough. no matter what you say: a dead bug on your face should be enough to stop playing.
(usually there aren't so many mosquitoes or flying bugs here, but lately it's been raining a LOT, and so they appear...)
with bugs dead all over, we decided, since we already were in the area, to take a swim! we went up to the pool, noticed it wasn't cold, but a perfect temperature, and we dove right in. Who cares if we have to wash our clothes, we enjoyed being spontaneous and jumping in the water. it was fun:) and that's when we hugged eachother and told eachother how fun we were having with eachother. i love you. sob sob. i know. well, you guys need some cheering up in your stupid exam times... :) someone across the world is having a good time:) so if you come visit?....:)
well, when we got home i found a bite on me, it was about 3 cm in diameter! it had swelled up extremely! it didn't hurt at the time, but now i'm itching like crazy... oh well... a little bite for a night of fun, i'll take it with a smile...:)
At May 10, 2006 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
heia tøffing! pass på bug-bitinga så infeksjonane held seg vekke! kjekt at de har det kjekt saman! tusen helsingar til Christen!
At May 10, 2006 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Flott å høre at noen har det fint, ja! Misunner dere på tross av alle de ekle krypene som besøker dere. Men bare vent, neste gang er det kanskje et eklere kryp som stikker innom en tur- meg for eksempel? hehe! =)
At May 10, 2006 1:35 PM,
mrs. marianne said…
jeg vet om mange ugly bugs... men hvem er du??? e d inki?
At May 10, 2006 3:56 PM,
Miriam said…
A dead bug on your face IS enough to stop playing!
Tennis høres gøy ut, skulle gjerne likt å kommet bort å spilt litt. Men jeg har litt for mye engelsk å lese og islam å skrive, så det får bli en annen anledning. Have fun go mad.
Det er sommer i norge, også. bare så du vet det!
At May 10, 2006 4:14 PM,
mrs. marianne said…
takk takk. glad noen syns bugs on your face er ekkelt....
sku gjerne ha hatt deg her og!
og saa du vet d, saa vet jeg d er sommer i norge, og jeg er glad paa deres vegne:)
haaper det holder seg til jeg kommer!
At May 11, 2006 9:38 AM,
Snuppa said…
Hei snuppa:)
Fantastisk kjekt å hørra at du har det supert sammen med christen.Det glede mitt hjerta masse!! Eg har VELDIG lyst å komma på besøk te deg, så eg ska nok få det te:)Hils masse te Christen. Gla i dokker begge!
Klem fra Helene
At May 12, 2006 9:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Fint å høre at Noen har det bra. Men vi har det jo egentlig bra vi også...
At May 15, 2006 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Du, kanke du oppdatere bloggen din da? Please... jeg dør av kjedsomhet...
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