mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Think Pink!

Time for a little blog.
Interesting things this week:
- Went to Pizza hut on thursday, had to go to the bathroom before the pizza arrived, flushed the toilet, as all decent people do, and then had it overflow. On to the whole floor. The woman sitting in the other booth had to hold up her feet, and it was horrible. A truly humiliating experience to see the water just rising, and nothing going down the drain. And flowing and flowing and flowing.

Until you come running out of the bathroom, shout to the pizza people, "the toilet's overflowing, the toilet is flowing over the whole floor!!" Needless to say, I was a tad embarrassed. Poor woman who was in there, still using the bathroom... Pizza was good though... :P

- Today we killed another 5 queen ants. I shiver just at the thought of it. Seeing them crawl on your roof and walls, knowing, now is the time to kill, and then just seeing more and more reappear at different spots in the house... uuurgh.... I hate bugs. But then again, if you usually read my blogs, you know that.

- We played mini golf on thursday. I hate mini golf. I am so bad at it, and Christen is so good, it's an embarrassment to even know me. But, after being beaten horribly, we dicided not to let our balls go into the 18th hole to be swallowed up, Christen
had the idea to take the balls to the different course. Which meant, to play another game. And actually, I was doing pretty good!! I got as high a score that time as Christen did the first time! I was pretty proud. All I had to do was focus, think Tiger Woods. "Precision is everything". It worked pretty well! Now Cristen's trying to get me to play real golf with him, but that would require too much walking.... hehe.

- We went to Knowlton's house and played a game with Mike and Jen, Knowlton and Sarah, (his NOT girlfriend). We played the most boring game I have ever encountered. I can't believe I find a card game boring, but this one was. It was all about trading beans and growing bean fields. Not much laughter came out of the game, aka, not worth playing the game. Games are for laughter. Even Risk tonight was more laughter filled.

- In other news, Christen's making me watch a bunch of scary films these days (I'd define them as scary, others probably as just plain old action films), and ended up going, mostly against my will, to see Mission Impossible 3.

Needless to say, it was bloody and gory, moments of extreme jumping in the seats, and screaming from my side of the theatre. If anyone were in the room while I saw Signs, they'd understand what I meant by me not liking scary films....

- Tomorrow Christen and I are doing children's church. The walls of Jericho.

Christen's gonna take the kids to walk around the church 7 times, while I'm gonna focus on the teens, going over an article about the walls of Jericho actually coming down, with proof in archeology. Exciting.

- Went to the beach today, and put tons of lotion on me not to get burned, and then ended up not doing my back, and now guess what. It's pink as a panther.

talks to you soon. good night, over and out!


  • At May 07, 2006 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice to read that your experiences in the US are still exciting, sounds like you're having a good time. I hope those ants will dissapear soon, though. Sounds awful! I can imagine the look on your face when that toilet overflooded! HAHA :) Hope you put on some after sun or aloe vera on your back... ouch... love ya, sis'!

  • At May 07, 2006 5:19 PM, Blogger Miriam said…

    I was thinking the very same thing, Inki, would have liked to see that face! I hope you've recovered, which by the way I do suppose you have.. You're not the kind to dwell on a embarassing experience. Get back on your feet. I'm so exited to see you again this summer. Can't wait. It'll be great!

    Love you so much...

  • At May 09, 2006 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do not insult bean farming card game! It is a fun trading game if your a big group of people, one of our favourites :)

    You seem to have a realy eventful life, can't wait to see you again!

  • At May 10, 2006 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bonanza er jo konge!


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