mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Since everyone is writing about their summer plans, I thought I would too. My only problem is, I don't have any set in stone yet! I know it's getting close to the beginning of my favorite season, but life just hasn't made it possible for me to decide what to do yet.
I might (might) go to the Bahamas in June.
To film a tv show. (!!) The director really likes me, and said she'd get back to me to confirm my part as one of the main characters... So we never know. Maybe I'm flying to the Bahamas for a month!
The next thing on my program for the summer, is of course going back to Norway. Though I am dreading the cold, I will be very excited to see all my friends and family again. Two weddings, with the most amazing people entering into the most amazing part of life, and I am very excited to be invited to share in their joy:) I'm hoping I'll get to Norway in time for Reidun and Kjetil's wedding, cause theirs is so early in the summer. Already July 1st! That's less than two months now! Wow, you guys must be getting so excited!!!
ANd then Christina and Ed's wedding, August 5th. Then the day after is my one year anniversary, and then two days later, my parents' 25th year anniversary. SO lots going on this summer. Just no definite plans as of yet. Hopefully though, this week I'll find out if I get to fly to the Carribean, and then as soon as that's found out, I'll book my tickets to the land of the eh, fjords and mountains?
Luckily I'm getting lots of sun here now, so I won't have to worry about not getting a tan this summer.... :)
And then of course, lets not forget, August about the 23rd, school starts! So then Christen will hopefully have moved all our stuff down to West Palm Beach, and we'll start a new fase of our lives. University. AGain. haha...
I am excited though. Much good can come out of this summer. Hopefully lots of good times with friends, and lots of quality time with family. I can't wait. And as Inki said in her blog, summer will be filled with lots of laughter, and I'm hoping to get lots of that!

See you all soon! Good luck planning your summers! I know I'll have fun planning mine:) And the cool part is, I am not really allowed to work in Norway, so I don't need to get a summer job! Yeay:)

Take care you guys, love you all so very much!


  • At May 02, 2006 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yesss! good luck with your tv-show! og kjempevelkomen heim til Noreg snart! Da ska verta jilt!

  • At May 02, 2006 5:12 PM, Blogger Monica said…

    Kan eg få vær groupien din i Bahamas eller???? Det hadde vært kult det tenke eg...:)Så kjekt hvis du får rolle...då e eg ei stolt venninne som sitte hjemme i kalde nord og ser på...(satse på at serien komme te Norge)Glede meg masse te du komme hjem...kan ikkje få sagt det nok...Eg ska veive flagget som en helt ;)(og gratulere med bloggbilde og linker...)

  • At May 03, 2006 6:16 AM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Hva mener du? ingen sommerjobb? ingen Tasta Sykehjem andre etasje? Hvordan skal du få sommeren til å gå? :)

  • At May 03, 2006 6:22 AM, Blogger Miriam said…

    du må forresten oppdatere oss på Bahamasfronten.. Du rocker!

  • At May 03, 2006 12:28 PM, Blogger mrs. marianne said…

    ai vill kiip ju aall oepdejted.

  • At May 04, 2006 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hei Elvis, ta telefonen da! :) Jeg også vil snakke med deg!


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