mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm going to Louisiana this weekend for Christen's Dad's wedding, so obviously I won't be updating my blog then. Hopefully you'll all just be happy knowing I'm doing really well, and am a very happy person:)

Peace out-
God bless
Smile, cause there's always something to laugh about!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My deepest apologies for not updating my blog enough. I am so sorry. These days are very busy, and we don't have internet at home, which makes it only possible for me to update it at school, when I have no time. I am in school around 13 hours a day now, because this week we are performing the Tempest. Opening night tonight! So I'm busy. you've heard it all before.

But I am doing good! I am getting tired of the Tempest and realising that I don't really like Shakespeare. So I'll be glad once it's over. But I am enjoying it, don't get me wrong. The people are great, and we're having a blast, but when we were doing our dress rehearsal yesterday, (which is a complete run without stops), and we kept stopping and stopping, I decided I didn't like it. I got so frustrated! We won't have done a whole complete run through before opening night, because people are so interested in letting ideas flow. But come on- a day befpre the performances is not the time to change blocking and make up new songs. Sorry. I don't get it. So there was definitely some frustration yesterday when we couldn't get out of there till past midnight, and we had early classes in the morning. But it's theatre- no matter how bad- I still love it:)

Christen is doing good too. He's over his sickness that he had for a while, and I'm over the friend he had come visit for a week. His friend flew over for his spring break, and I got so mad, cause he is not the type of guy I'd like to have in my house. Anyway, everything went well, and we're all happy again. Yeah, it was a little rough- I admit that.
But my husband is great and put him in his place when he said that if all girls were like Marianne he'd stay single forever. Yeah! Can you believe he said that???

So I'll post pics later.
Love you all, got to go, my boss just came back in and I'm writing at work. Hahah!