mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Last week and this weekend

Another blog so quickly! I am so busy with school, but I am going to try to update my blog more regularly.
Today I will be in school for 12 and a half hours (!), going to classes, doing work (at my student job with multicultural services), and rehearsing for All Night Strut (the musical I’m in). Busy to say the least.
But I do have some time for fun stuff!
On Saturday Christen took the day off to spend time with me, yeay, and we went out to town (City Place), ate at the cheesecake factory, and went for a little trip to the beach. It was a little too dark and cold to go swimming at that point at night, but we went just to see it and to walk by it. We were only there for five minutes, but hey, a lovely beach, barefoot, in just t-shirts, in the middle of January; I have to brag about being able to do it.

On Sunday I went to a birthday party at my friend Christi’s house. It was 20 minutes away, and I drove two other girls, Barbara and Renee. After driving the wrong way for 10 minutes we realized where we were (or were not), and turned around. We found Christi’s house, and had a great time in the garden of their house, playing games and eating lasagna and cake on the grass in the Floridian sun. It was very nice.
Last week was very hectic and stressful, and it is taking time getting used to things again. But I am getting to the point where driving to and from school in traffic, going to lectures, and rehearsing for a play with people I don’t even know has become "normal".


  • At January 16, 2007 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, sounds like fun! :) enjoy it! :)

  • At January 16, 2007 4:39 PM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Så koselige venner du har! De ser i alle fall veldig koselige ut.. Nesten like koselige som oss :)

  • At January 17, 2007 7:21 AM, Blogger Monica said…

    men det ska litt te å vær like koselige som oss...;) det sågveldig herlig og varmt ut hos dokker, ikkje det at regn 20 dager i strekk ikkje e herlig og oppfriskende det og altså, men...

  • At January 17, 2007 8:16 AM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Eller kald vind og snø som havner oppi posen og som lager dråpe på nesa og som samler seg på håret. Det er fint det og, men...

  • At January 17, 2007 12:32 PM, Blogger mrs. marianne said…

    ikke om det gaar ann aa ha like gode venner som dere! umulig.
    troest dere mer at idag har det poest ned...

  • At January 22, 2007 2:37 AM, Blogger Jentene på den andra siå said…

    eeeey, marianne!
    eg ser du e tenake i uniten og livet der, hørres kjekt ud!
    eg og vl gå barbeint på stranå i miami....:) enjoy!

  • At February 06, 2007 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HII MARIANNE i jst found ur blog again in my emails! how are U?? im so happy that u are back in school? must be stressful again, but at least no more PHYSICS! i really miss u and i hope ure doing fine under the sun!
    Take care sweetie xxx


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