mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Fat Tuesday

Well, today is the start of lent, and yesterday was fat Tuesday. I was going to continue the tradition of my mom, and make pancakes, which also is a famous tradition in Norway, but I realized we had no eggs. I had to find out what else I could make, but we didn't really have anything "fattening" to have for dinner in our fridge. We therefore decided to go out for dinner, and Christen chose Taco Bell. When will he ever not choose Taco Bell.... So we ate till we were full and now feel like we can fast for a month or two. However, since we're not Catholic, I guess we don't really have to fast. So we just took advantage of fat Tuesday, that's more fun! :)
Also yesterday, I did something very amazing. I must say, I was pretty proud of myself. We bought a new stereo, cause we haven't had a radio or CD player ever since we've been here. While Christen was at work, I set it up ALL BY MYSELF! And they didn't even have the normal plug this into that, I had to like do stuff with the little wires... I was so proud. :) And, check out this picture, this is our new remote! I am so shocked! Isn't that the coolest little thing you've ever seen??
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful beginning of lent, and remember that you don't really need to sacrifice anything, cause Jesus sacrificed everything for us on the cross. Just remember to live as living sacrifices, live for Jesus!
Kisses, mrs. marianne


  • At March 01, 2006 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hei Marianne!!
    Me savne deg MASSE,Å e veldig stolte av deg som klarte å setta opp sterioen heilt aleina:)Kjekt at du har fått deg blogg,me ska linka deg!! Masse klemmer fra snuppene fra vigå. Love you so much:)

  • At March 02, 2006 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WELL DONE!! setting up a stereo can be very stressful! you have a Philips stereo, me too!! how about that? (I know its sad that I noticed) You're right, the remote is AMAZING!!!

    Neil x

  • At March 02, 2006 4:50 PM, Blogger Monica said…

    Ege e egentlig litt fornærma for at ikkje du har kommentert på bloggen min når det tross alt va meg så ga deg det hete tipset om alle bloggene... ;) Forvente en kommentar ein av de neste dagene...

  • At March 06, 2006 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You look sooooo good, and i'm so glad i'm your husband! Good luck with your blog and hope to see you soon;)
    The meat man!


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