mrs. marianne

Living Life with Lots of Love!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play


  • At February 28, 2006 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are sooooo AMAZING! you made my day! I still have that song backwards on my computer! I miss you so much! ktxxx

  • At March 01, 2006 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Marianne! I am loving this blog! You look amazing in your wedding photos! (I need to see more!) You just glow in that dress, and with that man beside you...I'm so sad I wasn't there to see it! AND, I loved listening to your song! I have a huge test tomorrow, and was a little stressed out, but after listening to that, I just had to smile!

    I miss you!

  • At March 01, 2006 5:17 AM, Blogger kjeidun said…

    gralla med ny blog! veldig kjekt å lese!! og høre flotte sang! kult at du går på auditions! kjetil synes eg burde skrive på engelsk, men eg vil jo ikkje at du ska glemme dine røtter ;) heldigen dokke som har d så varmt!! eg har fått masse eksem i ansiktet nå for d e så kaldt her! men eg og Monica va ute og akte då hu va her i helgå så d e jo litt gøy med snø og vinter og.
    eg ska komme innom siden din og holde meg oppdatert jevnlig! :)

  • At March 03, 2006 11:09 AM, Blogger Monica said…

    Eg bjynte nesten å grina nå...SAVNE DEG MASSE!!! :(

  • At March 06, 2006 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bra, Marianne. Takk for sangen, jeg har lastet den ned på mp3-spilleren min, så jeg kan høre det på jobben!
    Hils the meat man!

  • At March 07, 2006 5:34 PM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Hey beautiful!

    Your sining made my day. You're such a good spirit, Marianne. Thanks to you and Christen for the holidays of a lifetime, it was perfect! And keep up that positive glow, keep smiling that cute smile and keep singing those lovely tunes!

    Love you both a lot.
    Hugs and all


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